Construction companies donate millions to LDP over Isahaya Dam project

The Liberal Democratic Party in Nagasaki Prefecture received 300 million yen (over 2 million dollars) in donations from general construction companies which have contracted to work on the 20 billion dollar Isahaya Bay reclamation project.

"This explains why the wasteful public works project with such adverse effects on the environment and local economy is being continued," Ozawa Kazuaki of the Japanese Communist Party said in the Lower House Budget Committee meeting on January 25.

Ozawa explained that 39 general contractor construction companies in the dam project donated 300 million yen in the six years between 1995 to 2000. In addition, 33 retired officials of the Agricultural and Fisheries Ministry are now in executive positions in these construction companies.

Ozawa said that donations to the LDP from construction companies and the parachuting of A&F Ministry officials to these companies help to keep the wasteful public works project going without regard for the damage it causes to the environment.

Ozawa on behalf of the JCP demanded that the government withdraw the reclamation project and end the corrupt collusion of political, bureaucratic, and business circles, if the Koizumi Cabinet is serious about its "reform."

Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda Yasuo avoided giving a straight answer and just stated that the Isahaya Bay reclamation project should not be assessed as a waste. (end)