Rally in Tokyo: Foil wartime legislation

As the ruling parties are about to rush to enact legislation to mobilize the whole nation into cooperating with U.S. wars, 3,500 people braved the rain to assemble at Hibiya Amphitheater in Tokyo on the evening of March 22 to resolve to increase the struggle against the legislation.

The atmosphere was particularly tense because the government had just unveiled the outline of bills which it will submit to the Diet soon.

Kobayashi Yoji, President of the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), addressed the rally on behalf of the organizers. Acting secretariat head of the Japanese Communist Party Fudesaka Hideyo reported on the parliamentary discussion of the legislation (see separate item).

Nakagawa Kaoru, secretariat general of the Aviation Safety Council, pointed out that the legislation would force airline companies to provide aircraft for war. She said, "As a person working on the safety of transportation, I cannot accept this legislation." Kawada Etsuko, an independent member of the House of Representatives, also spoke.

A college student who will attend a big anti-war protest in Washington D.C. in April said, "The legislation would imperil young people's lives and their futures," and was greeted by the audience with a warm round of applause. A nurse said, "We do not want to take care of wounded soldiers so they can return to battle fields to kill more people."

The rally adopted an appeal calling for increased efforts, such as publicity campaigns and collecting signatures. The audience marched in demonstration to the parliament. (end)