Youth 'peace walk' in Tokyo

Opposing the U.S. retaliatory war and Japan's wartime bills, over 100 young people demonstrated in a "Peace Walk" in Shibuya, Tokyo on April 13.

After collecting signatures against terrorism and the retaliatory war, they started marching through downtown Shibuya, holding colorful posters and banners. Many people on the sidewalk cheered the demonstrators by waving their hands.

On the way, more than 10 young pedestrians joined the demonstration. An 18-year-old student who joined the march after signing the petition said, "I study music, so I want to express my desire for peace with songs."

A delegation to the April 20 "March on Washington D.C." also participated in the peace walk. After the march, one of the delegates stated, "Representing peace-loving young Japanese, I will take our strong wishes for peace to the United States." (end)