695 professionals of various fields support appeal against U.S. war on Iraq

695 writers and artists inside and outside Japan, including composer Sakamoto Ryuichi and U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky, have expressed support for an appeal against U.S. war on Iraq published by Japan's 10 well-known persons on September 11.

At the November 28 press conference to announce this, the initiators, including writers Oda Makoto and Sawachi Hisae, and philosopher Tsurumi Shunsuke, unveiled a plan to hold a rally and a march on December 13. They said Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo and Social Democratic Party Leader Doi Takako will attend the rally.

Writer Sawachi Hisae said, "We are not helpless. If we fail to exert the power of solidarity, we will be unable to prevent a dark history from being repeated."

Their appeal "Declaration on September 11, 2002" pointed out, "Everyone knows that a U.S. preemptive strike against Iraq by the United States would be wrong." Also stating that Japan is a nation that maintains friendly relations with both U.S. and Iraq, it said, "it is essential that Japan refuse to cooperate in any matter with a unilateral attack on Iraq by the United States."

This appeal has been supported by 636 Japanese people, including writer Ei Rokusuke, critic Kato Shuichi, and illustrator Wada Makoto, and by 59 overseas professionals. (end)