JCP chair issues statement on latest report of U.N. weapons inspectors on Iraq

Shii Kazuo, Japanese Communist Party Executive Committee chair, on February 15 published a statement on the latest United Nations weapons inspectors' report on Iraq. The text of the statement is as follows:

The two United Nations teams inspecting Iraq's weapons of mass destruction delivered an additional report to the U.N. Security Council early on February 15 (JST). Pointing out that the inspections have had some results, the report said that Iraq in principle has provided cooperation with the inspectors. While stating that there were some aspects that were "unaccounted for" as well as violations of U.N. resolutions concerning missiles, the report emphasized the need to continue inspections. After the report was delivered, many UNSC member nations insisted that inspections continue. This latest report and U.N Security Council discussion shows that it is possible, and increasingly important, to do what the JCP and the greater part of the international community have called for: work for a peaceful resolution to the Iraq problem through continued and strengthened inspections, which is realistic and increasingly important.

The JCP calls on the international community to make a united effort in line with this direction to achieve a peaceful resolution.

The U.S. Bush administration is trying to rush into a war on the grounds that further inspections are meaningless. This is a move that disregards and even tries to foil the efforts of the international community to achieve a peaceful solution. Also, it is nothing less than an attempt to obstruct weapons inspections which have been proven to be effective. We must not condone any attempt of the United States to cut short the inspections and go to war.

The Koizumi Cabinet has maintained the attitude of "wait and see" before deciding what to do about this problem. But, given the new stage of development, it should clearly express support for a peaceful resolution to the problem through continued and strengthened inspections. Despite this, the Japanese government is beginning to use its influence in an attempt to have UNSC member nations support the U.S. war plan. We must point out that such an act only goes against the wishes of the international community for peace. (end)

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