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2021 March 31 - April 6 [PEACE]

More than 30% of all municipal assemblies call for Japan's participation in UN treaty banning N-weapons

April 6, 2021

More than 31% of municipal assemblies in Japan have adopted a resolution calling for Japan's participation in the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo) announced on April 5.

As a result of many assemblies adopting the resolution in their assembly sessions held for the first time after the entry into force of the treaty in January, 556 out of all 1,788 local assemblies are now calling on the Japanese government to sign and ratify the UN accord.

In Shizuoka's Fujinomiya City, 205 local dignitaries, including ex-mayors and ex-deputy mayors, expressed support for the assembly's unanimous assent. The resolution criticizes Japan's negative stance toward the UN treaty for "disdain to war victims", demanding Japan's ratification of the antinuke treaty.

All members of Shiga's Kora Town Assembly voted for the resolution submitted by a Japanese Communist Party assemblyperson. Even two assemblymen belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party took the floor in support of the resolution, saying "Japan, the only atomic bombed nation in the world, should exercise its leadership in outlawing nuclear weapons."

Japan Gensuikyo Secretary General Yasui Masakazu said, "Many citizens across Japan worked together with A-bomb survivors (Hibakusha) to press their local assemblies, leading to the resolution to be approved by all assemblypersons including the LDP and Komei Party members. The more the number of assemblies adopting a similar resolution increases, the more the government will be pressured. We will further make efforts in cooperation with a wide range of people in order to have a majority of local assemblies adopt the resolution in the next assembly sessions to be convened in June."

Past related articles:
> Chief Cabinet Secretary: Japan will not sign nuclear weapons ban treaty [October 27, 2020]
> US local assemblies support UN nuclear weapons ban treaty [July 7, 2019]

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