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2021 October 27 - November 2 TOP3 [PEACE]

Hiroshima A-bomb survivor --- 96-year-old antinuke activist dies

October 28 & 29, 2021

Hiroshima atomic-bomb survivor and leading antinuke activist Tsuboi Sunao, a representative of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers' Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo), passed away on October 24 at the age of 96.

Tsuboi was a 20-year-old student when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in the morning of August 6, 1945. On his way to university, he was blown away by the blast on a street which was about 1.2 kilometer from the hypocenter. He suffered severe burns over his entire body.

After the war, Tsuboi began telling children how terrible the A-bombing was and how precious peace is. Both at home and abroad as well as in the United States, he called for "No more Hibakusha" and for a world free of nuclear weapons.

With the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) coming into effect, Tsuboi on behalf of Hibakusha said, "This is a big step forward to embody the ban on and the elimination of nuclear weapons, which has been our ardent wish." Japan is the only A-bombed country in the world. However, its government ruled by the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, despite being elected from his home prefecture of Hiroshima, continue turning their backs on Hibakusha's demands.

Tsuboi in his life was hospitalized on and off more than ten times, having two types of cancer. He used to say that he won't give up working for the abolition of nuclear weapons until his last breath. Like his favorite phrase, "Never give up," his fight for a world without nuclear weapons will continue with those who carry on the fight.

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Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on his Twitter account expressed his sincere condolences on the passing of Tsuboi. Shii tweeted, "I've been with Tsuboi many times in the international arena such as the UN NPT Review Conference. I remember him talking about his passion for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Hibakusha's efforts greatly helped to bring about the UN N-ban treaty. Japan should sign and ratify the treaty without delay."

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