Approach to SDF uniformed personnel

Following is the translation of Part Three of Akahata's new series, "Young pro-arms buildup lawmakers incline towards bipartisanship in support of warlike security and diplomatic policy" published on July 1.
Systematic group study

Commenting on "Young pro-arms buildup lawmakers", including Defense Agency Director General Ishiba Shigeru and Vice Cabinet Secretary Abe Shinzo, a former secretary to a Dietmember familiar with defense affairs said:

"In the past, pro-arms build-up politicians were those who were instrumental in securing defense budgets, mainly former DA directors general. However, members of the present 'Neo-armed build-up politicians' group' have been engaged in systematic studies of the origin of the Self-Defense Forces, problems of the SDF Law and the Defense Agency Establishment Law, civilian control, and political/military issues of foreign countries."

For example, the LDP National Defense Division headed by Hamada Seiichi has established a defense policy study subcommittee to systematically study such issues as: present and future SDF tasks; U.S. security policy; and ballistic missiles. The website of Nakatani Gen, former DA director general, introduces a Japan strategic study association which is composed of politicians, journalists, and scholars, led by Abe Shinzo.

The secretary mentioned above testified that several similar associations have been established, some sponsored by lawmakers and others with lawmakers, DA officials, and scholars assembled for particular purposes.

A DA instruction abolished

An article "The 9/11 Shock and How the Prime Minister's Office and Foreign Ministry responded to it" which was carried by the book, titled "Security Policy in 'New War Era'" edited by Tanaka Akihiko stated:

"The government and ruling parties were rushing to have the Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law enacted and the amendment to the SDF Law... Abe held a study meeting with colonel class SDF officials to hear their opinions. Abe soon met Prime Minister Koizumi Jun'ichiro and conveyed their opinions."

Another feature of study meetings by Young pro-arms buildup lawmakers is that they have frequent contacts with uniformed officials of the SDF, which had been taboo in the past. The former secretary pointed out that the turning point came when leaders of the Hashimoto Cabinet (1996-1998) called the chairman and others from the SDF Joint Staff Council (SJC) to the prime minister's residence for a discussion.

In 1997 under the Hashimoto Cabinet, the National Safety Agency (the predecessor of the SDF) instruction No.9 of 1952 was abolished. The instruction banned SDF military officers from directly making contact with the parliament and ministries concerned. Later, whenever Prime Minister Hashimoto received briefings from the SDF-SJC chair and others, DA officials were no longer present.

Call them 'Military Force'

Throwing a vicious punch at the 40 years' domestic argument over the defense issue, Abe insisted that they are devoted to restraining security measures Japan should take instead of discussing comprehensive measures (April 1, 1999 at the Lower House special committee meeting on the Japan-U.S. new Defense Cooperation Guidelines).

His messages, such as the call for reviewing the SDF "exclusive defense-oriented defense policy" and a constitutional amendment allowing the SDF to take actions under the "right to collective self-defense" were focused to lift various barriers in order to give a free hand to the SDF.

Not only Abe and other young hawks are uttering these things. Prime Minister Koizumi himself openly advocated, "I am of the opinion that constitutional amendments will be made some day in the future so that the SDF can openly declare that it is a military force" (May 20, 2003, Upper House Special Committee meeting on contingency bills).

Therefore, the matter cannot be ignored as a single call by "defense-related groups." (end)

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