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HOME  > 2018 October 3 - 9
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2018 October 3 - 9 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

JCP and farmers move authorities to subsidize up to 90% of costs for recovery from natural disasters

October 6, 2018
"Unbelievable! We can now look forward to a future," many family farmers shouted in pleasure upon hearing the news that central and local governments will support up to 90% of the costs necessary to repair or replace agricultural equipment damaged by Typhoon Jebi and the Hokkaido earthquake.

The Ministry of Agriculture on September 28 announced measures to provide financial support to farmers affected by the recent earthquake in Hokkaido and Typhoon Jebi which mainly hit the Kansai region hardest. The national government lifted its conventional restrictions on the coverage and the amount of subsidies, deciding to shoulder half the cost necessary to remove, repair, and restore such equipment as vinyl greenhouses. Local governments and municipalities will also subsidize up to four-tenths of farmers' recovery costs.

People working in the agricultural industry said,"The Japanese Communist Party's immediate on-site inspection and subsequent reports by the JCP organ newspaper Akahata in addition to farmers' prompt efforts have moved the authorities to take action." Disaster-stricken farmers are now informing local administrations of the damage incurred.

Soon after a powerful typhoon attacked the Kansai region in early September, several JCP Dietmembers of the party's taskforce dealing with natural disasters visited affected farmland to check on the damage and Akahata reported it on the following day. Then, a regional Nouminren group (Japan Family Farmers Movement) demanded that the Osaka prefectural government take effective support measures for affected farmers to help them restart their work. In response to this, the Osaka authority petitioned the Ministry of Agriculture to that effect. Nouminren representatives again made petition to a regional authority of the Agriculture Mnistry, and JCP Dietmembers pushed the central government to take appropriate action. JCP lawmakers in each local assembly also took up this issue.

Farmers from throughout Japan, including those who suffered serious damage from the Hokkaido quake and Typhoon Jebi, converged on Tokyo on September 26 to negotiate with the Agriculture Ministry and demanded measures beyond the conventional framework. Two days later, the national government decided upon emergency assistance.

A 48-year-old Osaka farmer who grows local specialty eggplants and other vegetables said with a relieved look, "The 90%-support will be of big help to reconstruct greenhouses. I can now look at things in a positive light."

Past related articles:
> JCP and DPFP agree to call for convening of extraordinary Diet session to discuss disaster recovery [September 19, 2018]
> JCP Kami demands financial support for quake-affected dairy farms in Hokkaido [September 12, 2018]
> Review of counter-disaster measures needed to quickly respond to serious disasters [September 10, 2018]

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