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2019 July 3 - 9 [PEACE]

US local assemblies support UN nuclear weapons ban treaty

July 7, 2019

More than 400 local assemblies in Japan have so far adopted some kind of resolution urging the Japanese government to sign and ratify the UN treaty banning nuclear weapons. In the United States, local assemblies at the state and city levels adopted resolutions requesting that the U.S. Trump administration sign and ratify the UN accord. The U.S. Conference of Mayors, with more than 1,400 cities participating, on July 1 reaffirmed its support to the international ban on nuclear weapons.

In Oregon, state representatives adopted a resolution calling on Congress to reduce the threat of nuclear war. Oregon became the third state after California and New Jersey to do so.

Each resolution in support of the treaty points to its importance and urges the federal government and Congress to sign and ratify the treaty banning nuclear weapons.

During deliberations in Oregon, an atomic bomb survivor who lives in the state of Oregon talked about his/her experience. Representative Allisa Keny-Guyer highlighted the need for lawmakers to do everything possible to achieve the abolition of nuclear weapons. Kelly Campbell, executive director of the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, said that it is extremely important for local legislators to protect their voters from the catastrophic harm of nuclear weapons.

As of today, a similar resolution is under discussion in Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Washington states. In the state of Maine, a similar resolution was not adopted in the house of representatives but was passed through the senate.

Not only states but also cities and towns are also showing a positive stance toward the UN accord. Washington D.C. in March and Santa Barbara (Ca.) on June 18, respectively, adopted an antinuke resolution. Baltimore (Md.) in August last year became the first large city which approved a resolution calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons followed by major metropolises such as Los Angeles (Ca.), Salt Lake City (Ut.), and Portland (Me.) The demand of global citizens calling for a world without nuclear weapons has had these resolutions reflect the worldwide demand.

According to the Physicians for Social Responsibility, more than 20 cities in the U.S. have so far adopted the no-nuke resolution.

In NYC, a resolution in support of the UN treaty was submitted on June 9.

Past related article:
> Japan opposes UN resolution calling to promote UN nuclear weapons ban treaty [December 13, 2018]
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