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2021 March 31 - April 6 [JCP]

Shii talks with new French ambassador to Japan

April 2, 2021

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on April 1 received a visit by the new French ambassador to Japan, Philippe Setton, at the JCP head office.

Shii welcomed the ambassador's visit and answered questions from the ambassador about JCP activities and ideology. Shii talked about the progress being made in cooperation among the opposition parties to achieve a change in the government in the upcoming general election, the party's activities to protect people's lives and livelihoods amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and issues concerning the Tokyo Summer Games.

The ambassador talked about the current situation where regional economic disparities are increasing under the pandemic in many parts of the world. Shii explained the party's position that capitalism itself has its limits as it has enlarged the gap and destroyed the global environment. He handed to the ambassador the English translation of the commemorative speech for the 98th anniversary of the JCP founding in which he spoke on a new Japan and the world as well as on a new society based on the global experience with the coronavirus crisis.

Shii also explained the party's position on several international issues such as the Myanmar military's crackdown on protesters and stressed the need for the international community to deal with human rights violations based on international law.

The ambassador explained the position the French government takes on human rights violations.
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