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2022 October 19 - 25 TOP3 [JCP]

Shii answers questions from floor in JCP speech assembly

October 23, 2022

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo answered questions about a future society and what had brought him to the JCP from participants at a JCP speech rally held on October 22 in Hiroshima’s Fukuyama City.

Regarding the question about the JCP vision for a future society, Shii said that the word “communism” derives its origin from the Latin word “communis”, adding, “The meaning of this word is ‘common’. So, ‘communism’ is not a special word as it indicates a society where people mutually support each other.”

Asking, “What kind of a society is this?” Shii said that in a communist society, the exploitation of man by man will be prohibited. He went on to say that people will have shorter working hours and more free time than now even at the current level of labor productivity as the spendthrift economy unique to capitalism will be over by that time. He said, “More free time will enable people to achieve their full potential and abilities. A socialist/communist society the JCP envisions will guarantee all members of society an opportunity for free and full development.”

Quoting Marx and Engels as saying that an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all, Shii stressed, “A communist society the JCP pursues will inherit and mature social progress such as freedom, democracy, and human rights achieved through capitalism.”

On the other hand, Shii said, “This society will totally be opposite to that of the former Soviet Union and China.” He said that the former Soviet Union and China launched their social transformation while their production ability and systems of democracy were at an embryotic stage. Contrary to these countries, he continued to say that Japan is at the best stage to start a social reform in terms of the development of productivity and democracy. “The JCP is the first political party on the planet that seeks to carry out a social revolution in an advanced country,” Shii said.

Next, Shii answered a question about his motive to join the JCP. Shii started with a story from his childhood.

He was born to parents who are JCP members and elementary school teachers. His 95-year-old mother enjoys reading Akahata every day. In the 1960s when massive protests against the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty were staged across Japan, he took part in protest actions, riding on his father’s shoulders.

Shii said that with this background, he nurtured trust in the JCP. However, he said, “My parents never tried to persuade me to join the party.” In 1973 when he was a college student, the government led by then Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei attempted to introduce a single-seat constituency system. Recalling the public movement against the government attempt at that time, he said that the JCP working hard to protect democracy looked the most attractive. It was around that time when he was asked by his friend to work together to establish a democratic coalition government, and he decided to join the JCP.
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