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HOME  > 2011 April 27 - May 10
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2011 April 27 - May 10 [OKINAWA]

22,058 residents in class action suit over US Kadena AB noise pollution

April 29, 2011
One out of every 15 residents in the five municipalities near the U.S. Kadena Air Base in Okinawa on April 28 filed the 3rd round of a noise pollution lawsuit against the Japanese government with the Naha District Court.

The case, the largest ever in Japan’s judicial history, started with 22,058 nearby residents registering as plaintiffs.

They are looking for a total ban on flights between 7:00 pm and 7:00 am, and are requesting that the government limit nighttime noise levels to less than 40 decibels and daytime noise levels to less than 65dB.

Regarding compensation for the past and possible future noise pollution, they are seeking 44.61 billion yen in compensation for the past pollution alone.

The plaintiffs are also considering filing a separate lawsuit against the U.S. government over the noise pollution caused by U.S. aircraft.
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