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HOME  > 2011 July 27 - August 2
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2011 July 27 - August 2 [TERRITORIAL ISSUE]

Takeshima question should be resolved based on historical facts and international law: JCP Ichida

August 2, 2011
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi on August 1 said, “The Takeshima Islets are part of Japan’s territory. However, keep in mind that the islets were incorporated into Japan in 1905 when Japan was subjecting the Korean Peninsula to its colonial control and Korea’s diplomatic rights were taken away. The Takeshima question should be resolved through joint historical research and negotiations between the two countries.”

Three Liberal Democratic Party Diet members on August 1 arrived at Seoul’s GimpoAirport to inspect Ulleungdo Island which is about 90 kilometers northwest of the disputed Takeshima Island (called Dokdo in South Korean). However, South Korea banned the three LDP lawmakers from entering the country.

Ichida said to the press, “The JCP has explained to the South Korean government and political parties our position on the Takeshima Island question on various occasions. We think that the territorial problem should be resolved through negotiations based on historical facts and international law.”
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