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HOME  > 2012 July 4 - 10
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2012 July 4 - 10 [OKINAWA]

Okinawans start sit-in protest against Osprey deployment

July 10, 2012
Citizens’ groups and political parties, including the Japanese Communist Party, on July 9 launched a sit-in protest in front of the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station in Okinawa’s Ginowan City, in opposition to the Japanese and U.S. governments’ plan to deploy the MV-22 Ospreys to the base.

Braving the stormy weather, protesters put up a tent in an open space in front of the No.1 gate of the Futenma base. Banners and placards, some of which read “GET AWAY! US Marine Corps” in large English characters, have stood along the road leading to the gate.

Using a microphone, they called out to commuters, joggers, and U.S. soldiers driving from and to the base, “There is no telling when the aircraft may crash. Let’s work together to stop the Osprey deployment to Okinawa.”

Yamada Yoshikatsu, secretary general of the Okinawa United Action Liaison Council (Toitsuren), said, “Okinawans’ united efforts have prevented the two governments from building new bases in Henoko and Takae districts in the prefecture. Let’s stop the deployment through a nationwide campaign.”

The sit-in action, being held every day from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., will be continued through August 5, the day a large rally is to be held at Ginowan Seaside Park opposing the deployment.
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