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HOME  > 2008 September 10 - 16
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2008 September 10 - 16 [SDF]

editorial  Put an end to war against terrorism

Akahata editorial (excerpts)

Seven years have passed since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

The vicious circle of terrorism and violence that persist in Afghanistan and Iraq tells the world that terrorism cannot be eradicated militarily. The U.S. should face up to the failure of its “war on terror” and break away from such an approach.

The world is changing

Seven years after the start of war on Afghanistan, the situation has been worsening there. Unable to identify the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. forces are expanding their operation to fight the Taliban forces. President Bush decided to send an additional 4,500 troops to Afghanistan. U.S. forces have crossed the border into Pakistan, making the situation even more complicated.

U.S. bombings have caused many casualties in Afghanistan. Even the U.S.-backed Karzai administration calls for a halt to the attacks.

We should not forget the fact that under such circumstances Ito Kazuya, an aid worker from the Japanese NGO “Peshawar-kai”, was abducted and killed by a local armed group.

The U.S. is unable to find a way out of the war. It is clear that the war cannot improve this situation. In the countries that are U.S. allies participating in the war of retaliation, more and more people are stressing that war cannot eradicate terrorism.

The world has changed in the last seven years. Military power cannot solve social/political issues. Peaceful and diplomatic means in accordance with international law is the effective solution to lawless terrorist acts.

What Japan can do

Going against the world current, the Japanese government has supported the U.S. war against both Afghanistan and Iraq. It has assisted in the killing of innocent people in Afghanistan by sending the Maritime Self-Defense Force to refuel U.S. warships in the Indian Ocean.

The ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties decided to submit a bill to extend the MSDF refueling mission. Support to the lawless war must stop. To change Japan’s U.S.-subservience in diplomacy is one of the major issues in the upcoming general election. - Akahata, September 11, 2008
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