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2010 January 13 - 19 [JCP]

Zenchu representative and local mayor give speech at JCP Congress

January 15 & 16, 201
Representatives of the Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives (JA-Zenchu) and the mayor of Atami City made speeches as guests for the first time at the Japanese Communist Party Congress.

On its second day, January 14, the JCP 25th Congress had nine guest speakers: Shinagawa Masaji, national coordinator of the National Association for a Peaceful, Democratic and Progressive Japan (Kakushinkon); Daikoku Sakuji, president of the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren); Fuji Shigeo, senior director of the Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives (JA-Zenchu); Saito Sakae, mayor of Atami City; Tanaka Yu, chair of the Democratic Youth League of Japan; Takada Kimiko, chair of the New Japan Women’s Association (Shinfujin); Shiraishi Jun’ichi, chair of the National Federation of Farmers Movement (Nominren); Kokubu Minoru, chair of the National Federation of Merchant and Industrialist’s Organizations (Zenshoren); and Fujisue Mamoru, the deputy chair of the Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions (Min-iren).

“Now is the period of great turbulence. The excessive dependence on major corporations and the U.S. was based on anti-communist ideology, which is now clearly collapsing,” said Shinagawa, who went on to say, “Now is the time for the JCP to be pro-active.”

Reading a message from JA-Zenchu Chair Moteki Mamoru, Fuji said, “In its draft resolution, the JCP calls for the implementation of prices and incomes for farmers so they can be able to continue farming, the strengthening of border measures, and the establishment of food sovereignty while opposing the conclusion of a free trade agreement (FTA). These are exactly what we are calling for and are of great encouragement to us.”

Mayor Saito welcomed the Congress participants to his city and said, “As the JCP always professes belief in the power of the people, I also have a strong belief that citizens are the key players.”

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Guest speakers on the third day of the Congress include: Taka Hiroshi, secretary general of the Japan Council against A & H Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo); Sumino Takanori, representative of the Liaison Council of Various Circles for Prevention of Mal-Revision of the Constitution; Umemura Saeko, secretary general of the National Association to End the Consumption Tax; Masuda Yoshinobu, standing director of the Association for a Non-Nuclear Government; and Chisaka Jun, secretary general of the Japan Peace Committee.
- Akahata, January 15 & 16, 2010
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