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HOME  > 2013 December 4 - 10
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2013 December 4 - 10 [POLITICS]

Shii protests against forcible enactment of state secrets law

December 8, 2013
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo protested against the government and the ruling parties for having enacted a state secrets protection law forcibly in disregard of an overwhelming majority of the public calling for thorough discussions of the bill.

At a JCP Dietmembers’ assembly held soon after the bill became law on the night of December 6, Shii stated that no matter how many legislators voted for the law, the law violating the Japanese Constitution should be abolished.

Recalling the day’s plenary session before the vote taken in the House of Councilors in which a Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker spoke in favor and only Nihi Sohei of the JCP spoke in opposition to the bill, Shii said that it was the very scene representing the LDP versus JCP structure.

Regarding so many people having voiced opposition to the bill in such a short period of time, Shii said that it indicated that people seek peace and democracy.

Shii added that the demand calling for the abolishment of the law will certainly increase in the future because nobody wants to live in a dark society which this law will help to create.

He called on the JCP legislators to make this day a new beginning to face a new challenge in order to abolish the state secrets law.

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