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HOME  > 2014 January 22 - 28
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2014 January 22 - 28 [CIVIL RIGHTS]

‘Human chain’ surrounds Diet demanding abolition of state secrets law

January 25, 2014
On January 24, the opening day of the ordinary session of the Diet, about 3,000 people from throughout Japan surrounded the Diet building in a human chain, calling for the abolition of the state secrets protection law.

A side-walk near the Diet building was filled with protesters holding banners and placards, shouting, “Stop Abe’s runaway policies!”

On the same day, protest actions against the state secrets legislation took place at various locations across the country.

In Nagoya City, around 3,000 citizens held a rally and marched in demonstration in protest against the state secrets law. The Osaka Bar Association organized a lunchtime protest march in Osaka City with 400 people participating. In Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, a local bar association with 140 citizens conducted a protest march.

In addition to protests against the controversial law, various actions against Abe’s anti-people policies took place on this day.

In Tokyo, in order to block the runaway policies of the Abe administration, unions and civic organizations during the lunch break marched in demonstration through the government office district of Kasumigaseki to the Diet building.

In Kochi Prefecture, a women’s group took to the streets to call on passersby for their support of an appeal protesting against the planned consumption tax hike.
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