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HOME  > 2014 March 12 - 18
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2014 March 12 - 18 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

All 59 Fukushima municipal assemblies vote for decommissioning all nuclear reactors

March 17, 2014
On March 14, the Hirono Town and the Kawauchi Town assemblies in Fukushima Prefecture adopted statements demanding the decommissioning of all 10 nuclear reactors in the prefecture. This resulted in approval of statements or resolutions of the same kind by all the 59 assemblies at the prefectural and municipal level in Fukushima.

This will give momentum to Fukushima residents’ movements to achieve thorough decontamination, full compensation for damages from the 2011 nuclear meltdown accident, and the decommissioning of all the reactors in the prefecture.

Hirono Town’s statement, which was adopted unanimously, points out that the nuclear safety myth embedded in government policies lost all validity and stresses that nuclear reactors are unacceptable as nuclear power generation has too many unsolved problems, including how to dispose of spent nuclear fuel. It strongly calls on the national government to have all the reactors in Fukushima decommissioned.

Japanese Communist Party member of the prefectural assembly Kamiyama Etsuko commented as follows:

Fukushima residents want no nuclear power plant in the prefecture and their demand pushed the local governments to act.

The Abe Cabinet’s move to restart nuclear reactors should never be tolerated. We will do our utmost to achieve a success in the Fukushima Center for Reconstruction’s campaign to collect one million signatures for zero nuclear power plant and to strengthen anti-nuke movements in Fukushima.
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