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2009 September 21 - 29 [JCP]

JCP Shii holds talks with Kazakhstan governing party vice chair

September 24, 2009
Japanese Communist Party Shii Kazuo on September 23 held talks with First Vice Chairman Darkhan Kaletayev of the “Nur Otan” National Democratic Party at its head office in Astana and agreed to cooperate to achieve the elimination of nuclear weapons, expand regional communities for peace, and strengthen bilateral relations.

Shii arrived in Astana earlier in the day to participate in the 5th General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) to be held Sep. 24 -27.

Stating that cooperation between political parties plays an important role in developing relations between Kazakhstan and Japan, Kaletayev thanked Shii for visiting Nur Otan headquarters and taking part in the ICAPP session.

Shii thanked Kaletayev for inviting him to the ICAPP session.

He explained how the JCP held fast to the principle of sovereign independence, particularly in its struggle against the former Communist Party of Soviet Union’s interference with the JCP and aggression in Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan.

“I think that the JCP has something in common with Nur Otan, which led the struggle against the former Soviet Union’s tyrannical rule and achieved Kazakhstan’s independence,” Shii said.

He also said, “Our two parties are faced with two important issues in regard to peace in Asia and the world.”

Both countries are victims of nuclear weapons

Pointing out that Japan and Kazakhstan share the similar tragic experience of falling victim to nuclear weapons, Shii stated, “More than a million Kazak people have been exposed to radiation from the nuclear test explosions by the former Soviet Union. It’s heartbreaking to know that children have also been affected by the nuclear tests.”

Shii then presented Kaletayev with a Japanese photographer’s collection of photos of the serious damage caused to Semipalatinsk residents.

Referring to the Kazakh people’s struggle that led to the closure of the nuclear test site and the dismantlement of nuclear weapons left behind by the former Soviet Union, and their pioneering role in making Central Asia a nuclear-free zone, Shii said, “Kazakhstan has made a courageous and wise contribution to peace in Asia and the world.”

Nodding in agreement with Shii’s remarks and turning over pages of the book presented by Shii, Kaletayev expressed thanks to the Japanese people for their cooperation with the Kazakh people’s struggle. He also expressed his hope for an active contribution by the JCP delegation at the 5th ICAPP General Assembly.

Shii said, “In the ICAPP session, I will express our determination to achieve a world without nuclear weapons and issue our call to the world for international negotiations to be launched with the total elimination of nuclear weapons as the main agenda item.”

Kaletayev responded to Shii by nodding in agreement, saying, “Let us work in close cooperation.”

Regional community for peace

As the other common thread that runs through Japan and Kazakhstan, Shii cited Kazakhstan’s initiative to create a regional community for peace based on the United Nations Charter.

Noting that the ASEAN-led Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) is increasing in influence, Shii said, “It is encouraging to see Central Asia has become a major source of promoting world peace.” He was referring to the developments of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) established at the initiative of Kazakhstan; the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) with Kazakhstan as one of the key members; and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which Kazakhstan will chair in 2011.

“A military alliance that needs enemies has no future. By contrast, these regional communities for peace, which are promoted through dialogue and relations of confidence open to the outside, have a bright future. In Northeast Asia, it is important to increase efforts to resume the six-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear programs with a view to expand the community for peace to the whole of Asia,” Shii said.

Shii added, “I will make further efforts to increase solidarity and cooperation in order to ensure Asia’s peace.”

Kaletayev responded by stating, “Let’s join hands for the cause of peace in Asia and the world.”
- Akahata, September 24, 2009
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