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2015 October 14 - 20 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Defense bureau files complaint against Okinawa governor’s decision

October 15, 2015
The Okinawa Defense Bureau on October 14 filed a complaint based on a relevant law with the land minister against the decision made by Okinawa Governor Onaga Takeshi to nullify the permit for Henoko landfill work for the construction of a U.S. base.

Onaga soon issued a comment criticizing the central government for seeking the suspension of the revocation decision the local government made on the previous day. In the comment, he expressed regret over the hardline stance the Abe government has displayed toward the Henoko issue.

The Administrative Appeal Act is a law to bring prompt relief to the general public in need of protection of their rights and interests from administrative operations.

Despite being an administrative organ of the national government, the Okinawa Defense Bureau filed the appeal by designating itself “a private individual”. Onaga in his comment denounced the central government act for violating the purpose of the law.

Henoko is the “only solution” according to the central government. Therefore, Onaga complained in the comment that it is unprecedented for a cabinet member to file a complaint with another cabinet member in the same Cabinet.

* * *

A committee consisting of lawyers and experts in administrative law in Okinawa released a statement on October 14, claiming that the petition by the Okinawa Defense Bureau is non-conforming under the Administrative Appeal Act.

Their statement points out that defense bureaus have a “distinct status as governmental entities” which are different from “a private individual” and thus they have no qualification to file applications in the first place.

Past related article:
> Okinawans resolutely support Gov. Onaga [October 8, 2015]
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