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 U.S. military refuses to hand over four children of U.S. servicemen allegedly involved in attempted murder[Editorial] ( December 4 & 6, 2009)
 U.S. military personnel in private vehicles should be charged tolls to use expressways ( November 28, 2009)
 Area of U.S. military bases in Japan has doubled since 1980 ( November 19, 2009)
 U.S. Marines fire 642 shells in live-fire drills ( November 12 &13, 2009)
 Kokuta emphasizes need to review SOFA and remove U.S. bases ( November 11, 2009)
 Dangers of U.S. helicopter base in Tokyo’s art museum district ( November 6, 2009)
 U.S. Marines starts firing drill at the foot of Mt. Fuji ( November 3, 2009)
 Foreign minister’s remark draws criticism from Okinawans ( October 26, 2009)
 New government leaves ‘sympathy budget’ for U.S. forces intact ( October 24, 2009)
 U.S. soldier found guilty of hit and run ( October 22, 2009)
 No place for U.S. Marines in Japan: Ginowan City mayor ( October 21, 2009)
 Anpo-Haki calls for new U.S. base construction to be cancelled ( October 21, 2009)
 Hokkaido Gensuikyo opposes USS Patriot entry into civil port ( October 20, 2009)
 Peace organizations demand U.S. Marine Corps drill canceled (October 20, 2009)
 JCP demands a halt to U.S. low-altitude flight training  ( October 17, 2009)
 U.S. used secret pact for nuclear subs to pass through straits ( October 12, 2009)
 Rally to celebrate 2000th sit-in against a U.S. military base  ( October 11, 2009)
  ‘Relocation of flight training’ destroys residents’ peaceful lives - Akahata editorial (excerpts) ( October 7, 2009)
 U.S. military urges local municipality to pay for relocation of its facilities ( October 2, 2009)
 Ceremony held to mark lawsuit victory over U.S. military jet crash (September 29, 2009)
 Anti-Security Treaty groups meet in Okinawa to develop anti-base struggles ( September 27, 28, 2009)
 JCP demands not to allow U.S. warships to enter civil port ( September 25, 2009)
 Peace groups demand Japan-U.S. joint ground exercises be cancelled ( September 16, 2009)
 U.S. Aegis warship enters a Kyoto port  ( September 15, 2009)
 JCP and City Mayor agree to work to solve Futenma issue ( September 15, 2009)
  Mayor protests against U.S. NLP with carrier aircraft  ( September 15, 2009)
 Citizens rally demands U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier leave ( September 14, 2009)
 U.S. helicopter test flights at Henoko cancelled ( September 10, 2009)
 AWOL U.S. soldier in stolen truck causes road accident  ( September 5, 2009 )
 200th demonstration demanding ‘No live-fire drill’ held in Okinawa ( September 3, 2009 )
 U.S. nuclear submarines make 38 port calls in Japan this year ( August 31, 2009)
 Yokosuka residents demonstrates against U.S. nuclear-powered warship entry ( August 24, 2009)
 Protest against U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier’s visit to local port (August 20, 2009)
 Okinawan university demands nearby U.S. base be closed immediately  ( August 14, 2009)
 Local mayor accepts additional U.S. military housing construction  ( July 28, 2009)
 Protest against visits to Yokohama by Japanese and U.S. warships ( July 27, 2009)
 Using Japan’s tax revenues for ‘relocation’ of U.S. Marines Akahata editorial [Editorial] (July 16, 2009)
 Residents near U.S. Iwakuni base complain of intolerable noise ( July 10, 2009)
 Japan pays 70% of utilities for U.S. forces in Okinawa  ( June 28, 2009)
 2 trillion yen used to upgrade U.S. military facilities in Japan ( June 23, 2009)
 For an increase in Japan’s birthrate[Editorial] (June 16, 2009)
 ‘Experts’ arguments that they support new U.S. base construction are dubious (June 1, 2009 )
 Japan paid 600 million yen to victims of crimes and accidents caused by U.S. servicemen (May 28, 2009)
 U.S. servicemen arrested in Okinawa (May 10-11, 2009)
 National government has no right to interfere with local governments’ rejection of U.S. warship visits [Editorial] (May 9, 2009)
 Many residents’ questions remain unanswered regarding plan to construct new U.S. air base (April 29, 2009)
 2,000 people hold rally against construction of U.S. military housing units in Iwakuni (April 14, 2009)
 U.S. Navy may repair aircraft carrier’s N-reactor at Yokosuka, breaking another promise to Japan? (April 14, 2009)
 Cancel ‘transfer to Guam’ pact deceiving people [Editorial] (April 12, 2009)
 Shii meets with Ishigaki mayor and citizens (April 12, 2009)

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