List of Past issues Japan’s Archbishop speaks about European bishop who protected Chinese women from Japanese military sex slavery (June 23, 2014) Abe Cabinet decides to not retract official apology to ‘comfort women’ (June 21, 2014) 400K books saved from war damage (May 27, 2014) Keep record of air-raid damage: JCP Tamura (May 21, 2014) Prewar lawyer tells us how to win the trust of neighboring countries (April 22, 2014) PM assistant: disappointed in US about its Yasukuni criticism (February 20&21, 2014) JCP Kira urges NHK chair to resign (February 20, 2014) NHK governor: Nanjing massacre never happened (February 5, 2014) NHK governor praised rightist’s 1993 suicide (February 6, 2014) Hyakuta and Hasegawa pose threat to NHK neutrality: ex-NHK director (February 6, 2014) SDF officials regularly visit ‘Yasukuni’ in Hokkaido (February 10, 2014) PM’s visit to Yasukuni challenges post-war international order: JCP Kasai (February 13, 2014) Civic groups hold protest rallies against ‘National Foundation Day’ (February 12, 2014) Nation blind to its negative history will be isolated in the world (January 29, 2014) Public anger growing at NHK president’s remarks (January 28, 2014) NHK chair justifies Japan’s wartime sex slavery system (January 26, 2014) ‘Comfort women’ trial questions Abe gov’t’s historical interpretation (January 17, 2014) Nanjing Massacre survivor talks about her experiences (December 15, 2013) Historical facts refute attempts at sophism: Nanjing Massacre researcher (December 11, 2013) Opinion poll indicates majority oppose Abe’s visits to Yasukuni (November 16, 2013) Prewar false accusation indicates true colors of secrets protection bill (November 15, 2013) PM Abe again offers sacred tree to Yasukuni shrine (October 18, 19, & 21, 2013) Keio Univ. students conduct research on wartime mobilization of students (October 20, 2013) Hate speeches invited by state shirking responsibility for prewar massacre: lawyer (October 23, 2013) NGOs in Japan striving for early settlement of comfort women issue (September 25, 2013) Former soldier testifies on lethal human experimentation (September 29, 2013) Japan should have correct understanding of the past: UN chief (August 28, 2013) Japan covered up 1923 massacre of Koreans (August 31, 2013) Memorial events held for Korean victims of 1923 massacre (September 2, 2013) Manga will portray a Korean ‘comfort woman’ (September 4, 2013) Hidden history behind 1923 quake: communists killed by power (September 4, 2013) Citizens rally to create UN day to remember sufferings of ‘comfort women’ (August 13, 2013) JCP Kasai attends anniversary event of ‘comfort women’ facilities in South Korea (August 12, 2013) JCP Kasai reveals 1965 foreign ministry document calling for diplomatic solution of ‘comfort women’ issue (August 7, 2013) Sino-Japanese War was Japan’s war of aggression: governmental research team (July 23, 2013) Much evidence shows Japanese state’s involvement in ‘comfort women’ system (June 27, 2013) New evidence showing ex-Army’s involvement in ‘comfort women’ unearthed (June 23, 2013) Abe’s view of past war blocks healthy diplomacy (June 12, 2013) Women lawyers demand Osaka mayor’s resignation over sexist remarks (June 18, 2013) Evidence of ‘comfort women’ coercion exists: Gov’t admits (June 19, 2013) JCP Ichida criticizes Hashimoto for refusing to retract ‘comfort women’ remarks (May 28, 2013) Monument for ‘comfort women’ tells the truth (May 27, 2013) Chinese ex-workers demand Mitsubishi’s apology for wartime forced labor (May 15, 2013) Ishihara takes side of Osaka mayor on comfort women remarks (May 15, 2013) Abe refuses to recognize Hashimoto’s remarks on ‘comfort women’ as inappropriate (May 16, 2013) Abe should admit to the fact of Japan’s aggression & colonial rule: Shii (May 17, 2013) Only Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany had ‘comfort women’ system: modern historian (May 17, 2013) Protests continue against Hashimoto’s remarks on ‘comfort women’ (May 15-19, 2013) UN recommends that Japan properly address ‘comfort women’ issues (May 23, 2013) Osaka mayor’s remarks an insult to human dignity: JCP Ichida (May 14, 2013)