List of Past issues Activists take to the streets to call for ‘No consumption tax hike’ (June 25, 2008) DPJ’s quest for closer relations with business world (June 24, 2008) JCP lawmakers wage good fight: JCP Shii on closed Diet session (June 21, 2008) Anti-poverty network requests government to stop cutting social services costs (June 20, 2008) Government panel on social security apparently suggests imposing greater financial burdens on the public (June 20, 2008) Cross-party lawmakers demand an end to policy restraining expenditure on social services (June 19, 2008) JCP calls on other opposition parties to discuss Diet deliberation on bill to abolish health insurance system for elderly (June 17, 2008) JCP criticizes extension of Diet session (June 14, 2008) No confidence in PM Fukuda: JCP Kokuta (June 13, 2008) Lower House unable to discuss bill to repeal notorious health insurance system due to DPJ boycott (June 13, 2008) Upper House censures Prime Minister Fukuda (June 12, 2008) Shii comments on passage of censure motion against Fukuda (June 12, 2008) DPJ was discussing policy coordination while submitting a censure motion against prime minister (June 12, 2008) Upper House passes bill to abolish discriminatory health insurance system for the elderly (June 6, 2008) Opposition parties jointly call for abolition of new medical system (June 5, 2008) Five parties to jointly submit bill to make schools quake resistant (June 5, 2008) Upper House begins discussing bill to repeal medical system for elderly (June 4, 2008) Ichida says LDP’s overtures to DPJ over consumption tax increase is dangerous (May 20, 2008) LDP is desperate to tame DPJ (May 19, 2008) Rest of Diet session must focus on two major questions: JCP Shii (May 16, 2008) People-betraying policies accelerate a decline in cabinet approval rating[Editorial] (May 16, 2008) Rallies and demonstrations held to celebrate the Constitution’s 61st year (May 4, 2008) New medical system will discourage doctors from providing life-support treatment (April 23, 2008) Medical associations in 10 prefectures oppose discriminatory healthcare for people aged 75 and older (April 20, 2008) 40% of low-income earners are hesitant to go to see doctor (April 16, 2008) Fukuda Cabinet is at an impasse at its 6th month [Editorial] (March 26, 2008) Transport minister promises to stop research for 6 highway-bridges (March 13, 2008) JCP calls for talks to normalize Diet proceeding (March 7, 2008 ) Why are LDP and DPJ lawmakers in a rush to form joint parliamentary groups? (March 6, 2008) Pro-constitutional revision lawmakers resolve to step up move to oppose Article 9 Association (March 5, 2008) Ruling bloc rams through FY 2008 budget in Lower House (March 1, 2008) JCP criticizes new Iwakuni mayor for accepting deployment of U.S. carrier-borne aircraft (February 29, 2008) High court supports guilty verdict of bribery on LDP lawmaker (February 27, 2008 ) 58 road builders gave LDP 650 million yen in donation in 3 years (February 25, 2007) JCP in Diet demands cancellation of wasteful highway-bridge construction (February 22, 2008) JCP Shii and Ginowan City mayor agree on the need to immediately shut down U.S. Futenma base (February 21, 2008) JCP Ishii calls for establishment of state scholarship with no obligation to repay (February 20, 2008) JCP proposes to revise draft FY 2008 budget (February 19, 2008) Hatoyama is unqualified to be justice minister[Editorial] (February 16, 2008) Stop using gas tax revenue just for construction of more unnecessary roads[Editorial] (February 14, 2008) Iwakuni City residents are still opposed to relocation of U.S. carrier-borne aircraft (February 13, 2008) JCP Shii in the Diet denounces Canon for using temps as ‘disposable workers’ (February 9, 2008) FY 2007 supplementary budget approved despite Upper House rejection (February 7, 2008) JCP urges government to take steps to solve shortage of doctors and financially improve hospitals (February 5, 2008) Government panel on ‘education reform’ presents final report to prime minister (February 1, 2008) Ruling bloc withdraws stopgap bill; JCP plays leading role in safeguarding parliamentary democracy: Shii (January 31, 2008)
Ruling bloc pushes stopgap bill to maintain higher gas tax rate (January 30, 2008) JCP opposes 2007 supplementary budget putting importance of military buildup over public needs (January 30, 2008) Stopgap bill shows ruling bloc’s lack of understanding of democracy[Editorial] (January 29, 2008) Stop subservience to U.S. in dealing with financial crisis[Editorial] ( January 27, 2008)