List of Past issues Revision to Broadcast Law to allow government intervention in TV programs (April 7, 2007) Okinawans rally against history textbook screening (April 7, 2007) Return foreign cultural property plundered by Japan during Japan’s occupation: JCP Ishii (April 7, 2007) Majority of speakers at public hearing express opposition to bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision (April 6, 2007) Conservative Dietmembers calling for constitutional revision launching campaign in rivalry with Article 9 Associations (April 6, 2007) A step forward for amendment to Civil Code needs to be made in the Current Diet session[Editorial] (April 5, 2007) Government bill excludes most of part-timers from equal treatment (April 4, 2007) Diet without PM debates with party heads reflects dilemma for LDP and DPJ (April 4, 2007) Religious leaders submit to Diet 7,200 more signatures in opposition to bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision (April 4, 2007) Cabinet decides to extend Iraq special measures law (March 31, 2007) Government deeply involved in enshrinement of war criminals at Yasukuni (March 30, 2007) Ruling coalition submits to Diet a revised bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision (March 28, 2007) FY 2007 budget bill expanding gaps between rich and poor enacted (March 27, 2007) Bill to implement U.S. military realignment only to deepen Japan’s aberrations[Editorial] (March 25, 2007) JCP Akamine demands bill to facilitate U.S. forces realignment be withdrawn (March 24, 2007) Bill to make betrayal obligatory passes through Lower House (March 24, 2007) Gubernatorial candidates begin campaigning in 13 prefectures with JCP participating in all of them (March 23, 2007) Five of six speakers at public hearing warn against hasty discussion of the bill to establish procedures for revision of the Constitution (March 23, 2007) Withdraw SDF from Iraq, scrap bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision: JCP Ichida at anti-Iraq War rally (March 21, 2007) Government implementing BMD program to be used as shield in U.S. preemptive attack strategy (March 20, 2007) Confrontation between ‘all-are-ruling-parties’ and JCP: nationwide gubernatorial elections (March 19, 2007) Ruling parties forcibly adopt schedule for public hearing on bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision (March 16, 2007) Shii on TV talks about how JCP is campaigning in Tokyo gubernatorial election (March 15, 2007) 180,000 people take part in nationwide day of action in opposition to higher tax (March 14, 2007) Abe undermines parliamentary democracy by attempting to push through bill to establish procedures for constitutional revision: JCP Shii (March 13, 2007) Deregulations force unsafe operations in chartered bus industry: JCP Kobayashi (March 9, 2007) PM Abe attempts to break stalemate by pushing for constitutional revision (March 8, 2007) 6,500 people participate in rally in Fukuoka calling for reducing poverty (March 5, 2007) Draft FY 2007 budget forced through Lower House (March 4, 2007) 2,000 people rally against bill to establish procedures for revising Constitution (March 3, 2007) Abe refuses to disclose total amount of expenses for realignment of U.S. forces in Japan (March 2, 2007) Japan’s version of NSC to be ‘control tower’ to fight wars abroad (March 1, 2007) Capital gain tax breaks of \20 billion shared by only 7 persons (February 28, 2007) 10% of private junior high schools failed to teach students required subjects (February 28, 2007) Education minister’s remarks show Abe Cabinet’s lack of respect for human rights (February 27, March 1, 2007) International effort needed to totally ban cluster bombs[Editorial] (February 26, 2007) Japan places fourth spy satellite in orbit (February 25, 2007) Why is Japan so negative about banning cluster bombs? (February 25, 2007) Tokyo government planned to pay governor 1 million yen for his script to be used in its event (February 23, 2007) JCP demands recasting of draft FY 2007 budget in order to reduce poverty (February 22, 2007) DPJ Ozawa discloses detailed description of his ‘office expenses’ (February 21 & 23, 2007) LDP, Komei, and DPJ local assembly members take overseas sightseeing trips at the expense of tax payers (February 21, 2007) JCP Ichida criticizes U.S. experts’ group for trying to encourage advocates of constitutional revision (February 20, 2007) JCP reaches policy agreement with independent candidate for Upper House by-election in Okinawa (February 18, 2007) JCP in Tokyo Assembly urges governor to establish policy of supporting smaller businesses (February 17, 2007) DPJ in Tokyo suddenly begins to criticize Governor Ishihara (February 16, 2007) JCP Chair Shii issues statement welcoming agreement of Six-Party Talks (February 14, 2007) End government subsidy to political parties[Editorial] (February 11, 2007) JCP Metropolitan Assembly members’ group reveals that Tokyo governor used tax money of 16 million yen for 155 dinners (February 10, 2007) Our effort helped Diet session to normalize: JCP Ichida (February 8, 2007)